Sunday, July 18, 2010

Qwirkle Game - Qwirkle Review

Hey, This is Darn here. Thanks for visiting my Qwirkle review site. And by the way, you are reading my honest and uncensored review of what I really thought of Mindware's Qwirkle.

Well this is a review for Qwirkle, so click here if you like to visit the actual product.

So anyway, why did I write this? When I was first introduced to Qwirkle, I was intrigued by the simplicity of the game. When I decided to look for Qwirkle as a gift, I realised that there isn't a lot of reviews of Qwirkle out for interested people like you to decide whether the the game is for you. That is quite sad, as personally I loved the game. I thought I would write a Qwirkle review to help those that don't know about the marvelous Qwirkle game yet.

A note of caution. I will be discussing both the pros and cons of the product in my honest review, so if that is something that you don't want to read about, then you might as well leave right away. :)

What I think of Qwirkle
At first glance, Qwirkle looked like a really simple game to me. In fact, I thought that I would be putting it back into the box after a couple of minutes. In the end, I played the game with my 2 friends for more than 3 hours.

The box that contains Qwirkle is rather heavy, mainly due to the weight of all the 108 tiles. The wooden tiles are really pleasing to the eye and nice to touch. It has a very solid feel. I would sure like to have one strung into a necklace!

Qwirkle reinvents the wheels as the whole game play is based on colours and patterns, something many games share in common. But somehow as I started to play, I didn't find it repetitive or boring. In fact, the shapes and colours appealed to my eyes and made the tiles even nicer to look at. Although it still reminds me up to now that it resembles Scrabble except you play colours and shapes instead of letters.

However, I feel that there is a shortage of tiles provided and this means that the number of players at a time is limited to a maximum of four. It's a pity really.

I can foresee that Qwirkle will be a great family game. It is a really really simple game that even a three year old can possibly learn to play. It can be a really fun social game, with a mix of strategy and laughter, it is simply a must bring to parties.

Click to see the game that has brought my friends and I hours of fun


Great family game
Family games should be suited for all ages and Qwirkle definitely matches that criteria. So as long as the child will not put the tiles into his or her mouth, then it should be pretty easy to teach the game of Qwirkle.

Challenging factor
Qwirkle can be as easy or hard as your players and you play it to be. Perhaps you might choose to go easy on the kids, and employ all your strategies to slightly more mature players. It's really up to you.

Aesthetically pleasing
The well made black wooden tiles really give a solid feel and makes you want to put it in your hand.

Qwirkle is a game for up to four players
Qwirkle recommends two to four players, which is pretty reasonable seeing that there are only 108 tiles in every box. The game gets complicated after a few rounds, and players will have to look out for the best possible move to his or her advantage.
The recommended four players simply means that Qwirkle is not suitable as a party, social kind of game.  Unless of course, you purchase more than one box.

See if Qwirkle makes an excellent and affordable gift from you


Qwirkle might not be suitable for eveyone
Well inevitably not everyone will like a particular game. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions.  If you can get your head around patterns and colours, then this game isn't for you. Qwirkle isn't a fast paced action filled game, players will have to strategize to earn the most amount of points. 

Qwirkle isn't exactly very portable
Qwirkle after all, is a game of 108 tiles. With a shipping weight of 3lbs and the size of each tile, it might not be as convinient to bring as opposed to say, a pack of poker cards. 

Qwirkle can be boring if the rest of the players are not competitive. If they are forming chains to allow other players to get the six tile bonus, then it might be a very strong telltale sign that they aren't playing very smart here. 


I hoped you have enjoyed my review on Qwirkle. and I hope to hear from you if you have enjoyed the game as much as I had. 

Click here to see whether Amazon customers agree with my review

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